STRUCTURAL GEOLOGY: An Introduction to Geometrical Techniques
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Equation 2.3c
# This code has been written in Python 3.
# It calculates the true thickness of a layer outcropped on a slopped surface, where slope and dip are in the opposite directions.
# Equation 2.3c in Ragan (2009): t = w sin(δ + σ), where (δ + σ < 90◦).
# t: True thickness of the layer
# w: The width of the layer
# s: Slope angle of the layer (in degrees)
# d: Dip angle of the layer (in degrees)
# Sample of arrays of input data:
# w = [1, 1, 1, 1]
# s = [10, 30, 40, 50]
# d = [0, 10, 20, 30]
# Importing the module math
import math
# Importing the numpy package
import numpy as np
# The function thickness calculates the true thickness of the layer
def thickness(w, s, d):
return w * math.sin(math.radians(d) + math.radians(s))
# The following three lines request users to enter w, σ, and δ as arrays
w = input('Enter w values as an array: ')
s = input('Enter s values as an array: ')
d = input('Enter d values as an array: ')
# The following three lines convert input values to array
w = np.array(eval(w))
s = np.array(eval(s))
d = np.array(eval(d))
# Iterating the function thickness for each value of input data
for i in range(0, len(w), 1):
print(thickness(w[i], s[i], d[i]))